St Michael's CofE Primary School

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St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

  1. Curriculum
  2. Creativity and Enrichment
  3. Curriculum Music
  4. Home Learning




Music Making makes us feel good and helps us connect with others. 


At St Michael's, music is an important part of our lives.  We enjoy singing, exploring, creating and performing together. 


As many of us will be learning at home again for a little while, I have put together a variety of ideas and resources for each year group to dip into. 

I have created an overview of activities for your child to choose from.  You may have already seen some of these activities assigned to your child’s weekly time table or on google classroom.   Your child does not need to do all of the activities but should try to complete one music session a week.
Most of the activities are linked to your child’s topic. I have used a range of resources including Charanga, an online resource that your child needs a specific login for.   These logins are on the documents attached to the dojo I sent out at the beginning of Lockdown 3.  All year groups have a general login, however Y2 - Y6 also have individual ones.    If you cannot find your child’s individual login, please dojo me directly. They were sent via dojo last March.
For certain year groups, I have made some instrumental courses available e.g. recorder, guitar and keyboard. This is for those who may already have these instruments at home. Please do not go out and buy instruments there are plenty of activities that do not require any.

In Lockdown 1, many children sent me their work to celebrate on the school website.


Please do go and enjoy watching these performances on the Lockdown  Music and Performance Showcase page.   They are wonderful!  You may also like to watch the Christmas 2020 Performances.  Thank you to the children who sent in their music making for our virtual concert. 


Some children may have already sent in some of their music work from this term via google classroom or dojo. 


If you would like to send me photos or videos of your child's performances from this term, please message them to me via dojo. 

You will need to request to join the Music and Performance Showcase Group via messaging me on whole-school dojo - many of you are already part of this group from last year.

Please send your photo or video to your child's portfolio.  You can then build up a collection of their music and I can and will respond to anything you send.  You can only send videos through dojo if you are sending them from the device you recorded them on.  Otherwise please email them to me at

If you would like me to share them on our website, please let me know. 

Past pupils and parents are also welcome to be part of this.



I look forward to seeing you and your wonderful music making!

 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 YR.docxDownload
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 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 Y1.docxDownload
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 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 Y2.docxDownload
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 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 Y3.docxDownload
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 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 Y4.docxDownload
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 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 Y5.docxDownload
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 MUSIC HOME LEARNING 2021 Y6.docxDownload
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