St Michael's CofE Primary School

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St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

  1. Our School
  2. Behaviour


We have the highest expectations for the behaviour of all children in the school, and visitors frequently comment on the excellent behaviour shown by pupils in school. Our core values of love, joy, hope and forgiveness permeate the school, and are both implicit and explicit within our behaviour policy.

Joy and Hope: we want our school to be a happy and rewarding place where all pupils can thrive, and fulfil their potential.

Love: we teach all our children to respect and care for each other and the world in which they live.

Forgiveness: when things do go wrong we teach children to forgive one another.

Our behaviour approach is a very positive one: we celebrate and reward good behaviour and positive acts of kindness and respect. Pupils are rewarded for following our three school rules (Be ready, Be Safe and Be Respectful) in a variety of ways: praise from the adults in school, sharing their work with another teacher or a member of SLT, receiving a recommendation certificate in assembly and through post-cards sent home.

Our behaviour policy is based on the work of Paul Dix (Pivotal Education). To find out more about this approach: Click here.

 Where behaviour falls below our expectations issues are addressed promptly and fairly. Usually a warning and a chat sort things out, and our focus is overwhelmingly positive, with the aim being to bring about a swift resolution. A member of SLT is always available to support pupils as needed.


More serious behaviour issues (including bullying)

We aim to involve parents at an early stage to help resolve any issues and to get children back on track. In the case of a more serious incident further sanctions are available, including exclusion. This is used extremely rarely, as most issues can be resolved through early intervention and using a problem-solving approach. We always aim to resolve problems between children through discussion and helping them to understand each other's point of view (restorative justice). This is a very powerful and successful approach of which forgiveness is an essential element.

For full details, please refer to our Behaviour Policy.

Further aspects regarding keeping children safe (including anti-bullying policy and issues around racist/homophobic language or behaviour) can be found on our Keeping Children Safe page.