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St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

ART Home Learning

Creating is good for you and it's fun.

Art can help us relax, express our feelings and improve our focus on other tasks. 


 Thank you to the wonderful St Michael's artists who sent in some fantastic photos of their artwork during the last full lockdown. I wonder what creations you will share this time around - scroll down to see! Below are lots of new links and ideas as well as the previous Art Ideas Banks. If you find any good ideas / weblinks do let me know! I love trying out new things. 

Ideas Bank

Creating a multimedia Forest

Have a go at making a rainforest scene using texture and anything you have at home e.g. crayons, paint, pen, envelopes!

Try these out

Downloads — Darrell Wakelam    Loads of ideas to make sculptures out of household items. Here are just a few of the ideas on his website. Have fun! 

Go Sketch

Follow Emma at GoSketch (who runs our Thursday after-school Art club) on her YouTube channel -  'Fun Sketch Friday'.   A free drawing challenge video will be added every week.

Check it out.



Also see her website for Birthday parties, online workshops and more.


Ideas Bank

 art ideas 2.docxDownload
 Art Ideas 3.docxDownload
 Art Ideas 4.docxDownload
 Art Ideas Bank 5.docxDownload
 Graffiti backgrounds.docxDownload
 ideas-for-art v2.docxDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Some Useful links

BBC Bitesize (lots of activities as well as information about artists and designers)


WOW art - lots of video tutorials 


Art for Kids Hub - lots of fun video tutorials



ArtJohn - great videos to follow to create lots of different art. For parents as well as children!

ArtJohn - YouTube


Learn how to make paper aeroplanes - 



Draw animals using a hand as an outline - 






What art work speaks to you? 

Explore one of these galleries through their virtual tours. Which is your favourite piece of art? Maybe create your own version inspired by it or write a description or poem about it.  Can I guess the picture from your description?

Collections — Google Arts & Culture   (Shows lots of different museums from around the world) Click on the little yellow person to drop into the museums and move around them. My personal favourites are the Musee D'Orsay, National Gallery in London and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. 


Games, quizzes and more  - www.tate.org.uk/kids  Why not have a go at the 'Draw a Sound Creature'? How wild is your imagination!

Lockdown 2021 Gallery

Our exhibiting artists are:-

Jack, Yash, Jasmine, Siona, Akila, Adam, Mia, Aryaman, Freya, Franchesca, Fin, Erin, Charlie, Jack C, Mollie and Samarth. As well as our St Michael's artists other family members are also getting creative- it's great that you are all getting involved. Thank you to Ava, Megan and Akila's family.

Our gallery is growing fast now. 

The Lockdown 1 Gallery

I am always blown away by the talent you show. Fantastic.

Exhibitors:- Aitana, Hannah, Adelaide, Bella, Zara, Martha, Katelyn, Akila, Samarth, Jasmine, Yash, Averil, Grayce, Siona, Sienna, Enzo, Josh, Rebekah, Charlotte, Daniel, Eleanor, Holly, Lucy, Jon, Jacob, Robyn, Mia, Charlotte, Callum, Ines, Darcy, Lottie, Alayna, Tyler, Rosalie, Tabitha, Annabel, David, Sophie, Jess, Elena, Erin, Martha, Amanda, Lois and Teddy.(There are a few by Mrs Fraser in there too!)