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St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

Green Team 2023 - 2024 

Thank you to the PTFA for our new wildlife camera.  Please complete the padlet to share what you have observed in the video clips...

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Many thanks to BUPA for awarding the PTFA a grant to develop biodiversity within the school grounds through 5 different projects:

Project 1 Create a Mini-beast trail for Year 2 for use with whole classes.  The PTFA and MOD oraganised a work-party to create the trail.  The Greenteam has added labels and maintained the area. 

Project 2  Seed to Harvest Growing Project (Years 1 and 2): engagement of pupils with each stage of sowing to harvesting food and flowers.  Year 2 pupils helped Mrs Hughes to fill their planter with peat-free compost and, along with year 1  will be bedding in their plants soon. 

Project 3: Create a wildflower meadow – Y4 whole class science observations.  The PTFA and MOD and the Greenteam prepared an area for sowing.  The meadow will take several seasons to establish.  The  Greenteam will explain this in assemblies so that everyone understands how to care for the area.  

Project 4  Establish a Tree Trail with seasonally interesting trees – for whole school  Pupils helped Mrs Hughes to plant fruit trees to add to our collection of trees at St. Michael's. Pupils will observe specimen trees across the seasons and describe the changes they see. 

Project 5 Promoting and Protecting Biodiversity The Greenteam has built and installed bug hotels and a hedgehog house.  More hedgehog houses and bat boxes will be installed soon.  The Green team has installed a wildlife camera.  All pupils have been invited to review the images and interpret what they show - see padlet above.  

The photos below show our progress with these projects....

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Green Team 2021 - 2022 

Term 1  In term 1, we harvested sunflowers and made bird-feeders and bird-baths by re-using plastic bottles.  The birds are using the bird-feeders. 

Term 2  We carried out a poster campaign and competition to encourage everyone to use active travel.  We carried out an active travel survey at the start and the end of the competition to find out whether our campaign had "made a difference". 

In the first survey, on 3rd November, active travel by walking, biking, scooting or park and stride was used by 79% of pupils and in the second survey, on 8th December, active travel was used by...79% of pupils!  So well done everyone for keeping up being active through the winter!  Here is a display of all the winning posters from our poster competition.  Please see our main page for more info on active travel to school https://www.stmichaelssg.co.uk/our-learning/our-curriculum/environment

Term 2 We have been encouraging and helping with reducing waste and recycling.  Following sustainability week, we made sure that all the DT materials were separated for re-using or re-cycling where possible - photos coming soon. 

Before the Christmas holidays, we made posters (see below) to encourage everyone to recycle their old clothes and shoes in the big green recycling bin, just inside the school gate (closest to the Playhouse entrance).  This will raise money for the PTFA via https://www.recycle4school.org.uk/items-we-accept

We have stared gathering ideas for projects for term 3.  There will be no Green Team meeting on Wednesday 15th December.  

Instead, please leave comments on the "padlet" below to share your ideas for

activities you would like to do with Green Team after Christmas. 

You could use our Eco-code to think about different topics:  e.g. reducing energy use and waste; or watch some of the videos below to get inspired. 

GET STARTED: Click on the pink circle with a "+" (bottom right), type your idea then click "publish" (top right). 

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Green Team Eco-code:  Everyone is on Green Team  

1. We will all learn about stopping climate change (and take the following actions…).    

2. Switch off lights and electrical equipment when not being used - to reduce energy use.

3. Put all litter in the correct bin: landfill, card/paper, recycle-able plastic, foil/tins/glass, compost/food waste - to reduce litter and landfill waste.

4. Use re-usable bags and bottles and choose not to use single-use plastics (bags, bottles, containers) - to reduce waste.

5. Use less paper and reduce recycling waste by printing and copying fewer sheets, and using both sides before recycling.

Digital Green Team:  During 2020 and 2021 Green Team didn't meet but we continued to be sustainable in our own classes and to share our ideas.  Please refer back to the videos and webpages below to get inspired about being sustainable.  

Term 1 Week 3

This week, please watch the following film ( 6 minutes) One Planet Future.


Then, talk about the video with your class.  What did you like about the video?  How can we help the planet?  What actions do you want to take at home and or school?  What questions do you have?  

Please share your class' ideas on the padlet below and read ideas from other classes.  

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Week 5 What inspires you about nature?  Listen to an environmentalist – what inspires them about the natural world?  https://jointhepod.org/teachers/films/what-inspired-me-by-chris-packham 

Find out about children from around the world who have been inspired to look after their homes.


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Term 2  Our Planet: David Attenborough and WWF 

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Term 1 Week 4 

This week, please find the topic that your class is working on this term, watch the suggested video (or your own choice) and write on a post-it on the padlet below what your class are all doing to help to meet the goal or target. 

1) Use sustainable travel  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAi8Lxf8JXA

 2) Reduce waste, including plastic pollution https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrqj7nb


 3) Use sustainable energy and reduce greenhouse gas pollution


 4)  Protect the environment: water.  Reduce water waste


 5) Protect the environment: land   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=556QXoUpjUY

 6)  Support sustainable food production / healthy lives and eating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fszyObv6FxA

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 Week 6  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBxN9E5f7pc  Watch the video to get inspired. 

Eco-code Review – how well is your class doing?  What will you do next?  Record on padlet.   

Week 7  https://vimeo.com/273916993  What have you found out about your topic for the term?  What have you done towards meeting the goal?  What will you do next? 



Think about your "Big Questions" from your learning last term.

Add a comment to answer the question on your year group's padlet below.  

Watch this ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBxN9E5f7pc

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