St Michael's CofE Primary School

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St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

  1. Key Information
  2. Special Needs and Disability

Special Educational Needs and Disability


St Michael’s School: Vision and Values 

We are a fully inclusive school and aim to give all children the support, care and encouragement they need to make the best possible progress.  We provide very effective support for children with special educational needs and disabilities, starting from our first contacts with parents and carers when a child enters our school.

Who is responsible for SEND in the school?

The Class Teacher, supported by their Team Leader and the SEND Team, is responsible for: 

  • Monitoring the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need (this could be things like targeted work, additional support)
  • Linking closely with any additional staff working with your child in school, including school-based teaching assistants or outside agencies.
  • Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom.

The SEND Support Team, consisting of:

  • SENCO - Miss Anna Carr. Miss Carr leads SEND in school and is available in school Mon-Thur
  • Family Link Worker - Eva Stewart
  • A Team of Special Needs Teaching Assistants


All of our staff can be contacted through the school office (Tel 01454 866781, or on e-mail via: If the person you wish to speak to is not available, please leave a message and they will get back to you as soon as possible. The Headteacher is responsible for: the overall direction of SEND within the school, as well as dealing with any concerns or complaints about provision in the school. The Governing Body monitors the provision of SEND within the school through regular reports and through the Link Governor for SEN. 


Identifying additional needs: How will I know if my child needs additional help?

Your child’s needs may already be clearly identified when they enter school. Other needs may become apparent or develop as your child moves through the school. Our teachers are continually observing and monitoring the children in their classes. Through this approach we may see that a child is not progressing as quickly as expected, or the class teacher may observe a change in the child’s behaviour e.g. they are becoming anxious or frustrated. This may indicate that your child needs extra support or intervention.

Sometimes concerns about a child and how they are getting on in school are raised by a parent/carer or by the child themselves. If you have any concerns, please share these in the first instance with the class teacher.

In addition, other professionals, for example in Health, Speech and Language, or an Early Years Setting, may notify the school of any concerns. In these cases parents will also have been notified.


SEND Information Report

Our SEND information report provides full details of how we identify and support SEND in the school. It contains sections on:

  • Key Contacts and responsibilities
  • Admission arrangements
  • Identifying additional needs
  • What provision is available?
  • Allocation of Resources
  • Involving and informing parents
  • Accessibility
  • Inclusion in clubs/activities
  • Medication/HealthCare Plans
  • Transition
  • Support for Parents/Carers
  • Information on EHCPs

 SEND information report 2020-21

 Please click here to access information about the LOCAL AUTHORITY LOCAL OFFER for SEND

SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan 2020-23.docx

SEND Resources and links

Managing Medical Needs